The writer’s blog tour: My writing process…


Few days ago Lorraine tagged me to participate in ‘The Writer’s Blog Tour’. I feel honoured as I believe she is a well known blogger in Indonesian blogger community. She has been living in the Netherlands since her early 20s. For that alone I admired her already, then I became hooked instantly to what she wrote. It’s about wide array of things in life that I’ve been interested too and she writes about that boldly yet gracefully. I feel more entertained and inspired reading her posts than that of fancy glossy magazines. Check out Lorraine’s blog to experience the amazing vibe that I enjoy.

And here it is, my writing process:

What am I working on?
By trade I am a General Administration Professional that had mostly worked in the footwear and mining industry. Currently I have been in a break from work and enjoying my life as a trailing spouse and a lady of leisure!😉
Blog wise, I have been working mainly on a story project that covers the particular 7 years of my life (2007 to 2014) which I consider as the most “hectic” yet extraordinarily fun. Around this time frame, I feel like I finally found the real me, a homebody adventurer: a person who loves to explore faraway land but rarely steps out of her yard once she’s home, wherever home is. Occasionally I also write about random stuffs that I find interesting.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I just started blogging 5 months ago, I’m not sure if I can conclude to answer that question respectively. Perhaps it’s the way I put myself as a character in this storytelling, for example: regardless how hard I got hit in life, I prefer to tell the story from a survivor’s point of view, not that of the victim’s (even though I might get “wounded, hurt, upset, sad”, etc). Or it’s the time frame that I prefer to be in a flashback setting, as this got me a more objective point of view. And also I write my posts in English or Indonesian, however I decided that for both languages I would use proper grammar only and less “slang” style without leaving a stiff feel to the story, a tribute to the people before me who invented this amazing culture called…LANGUAGE.

Why do I write what I do?
Because there was a moment when I realise time went by too quickly for me to digest every single thing that had happened. Also because I found writing is the second best therapy for me (reading is the best) to give comfort when I’m in a “downs” moment.

How does my writing process work?
Images! Randomly I take a look at tons of photos, then my eyes also capture things around me and the images of that will stay forever inside my brain, along with all the questions (what, why, when, how, who) of the captured moments, this normally involves little research, then I write about it. Please note that I never consider writing as my “thing”. I even never had or wrote any diary whatsoever, let alone for publication. So, it felt weird at first.


Well, there you have it! Now I would like to pass this on to the following fellow bloggers:
1. Noni, an Indonesian married to an American and now resides in Medan, North Sumatra. Trust me, her blog is juicy and so much more interesting than the reality TV show Kardashian family..hehehe.. (Noni, it’s a compliment! I’ve been hooked to your blog since day one I found it! You can write this in Bahasa Indonesia if that can make it even juicier..hehehe)
2. Eva, an Indonesian who resides in Denmark. Check out her website for such lovely images and interesting stories of Scandinavian life.

Thank you all for reading and have a good day!

30 thoughts on “The writer’s blog tour: My writing process…

    • Ya.., semacam itu.., tapi ketika sedang galau,saya lebih suka menulis hal lain yg tidak ada kaitannya dengan kegalauan saya karena jika menulis apa yg sedang bikin saya sedih misalnya, besar kemungkinan kata-kata saya jadi lebay, tidak rasional, dan tidak masuk akal.


  1. Dear Teh Emma,

    Salam kenal, aku seneng banget baca blog teteh, baca tulisan teteh entah mengapa aku kaya ditarik di tempat kejadian. Hebat banget teh bisa nulis secara netral, tegas-kadang agak judes-tapi bikin mesem, tanpa bikin bosan. Aku juga kagum sama kemampuan teteh bisa menuangkan kejadian lampau ke tulisan yang detil dan seru 😀 (berasa kejadiannya saat itu).
    Oia aku bookmark blog ini di pc, tiap buka google chrome, yang pertama ku klik link ini. Aku nunggu banget cerita baru dari teteh 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Hayyu,
      Salam kenal juga. Terima kasih banyak sudah mampir ke blog saya.. Gak nyangka pembaca tulisan saya sampai ada yg terkena sensasi sedemikian rupa hingga blog saya di-bookmark di PC-nya, bikin saya tersipu-sipu kesenengan begini..hehehe.. Sedikit koreksi aja, nama saya Emmy.. Baiklah semoga cerita saya masih akan tetap menghibur ya.. Salam


  2. entah kenapa kalau mau niat tulis dalam english saya selalu jadi kikuk..otak sudah mulai lupa lupa vocab..penulisan nya ahhhhhhh kalau baca blog english lumayan tapi kalo nulis english hahah ampun Dijeeehhhh !!! ternyata seru juga ngeblog itu ya ada tag dan PR antar blogger.. seru seru……….deh kayak arisan gitu……..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Keren keren, aku pengen deh bisa nulis pake english dengan bener grammar-nya, karena selama ini suka tabrak lari aja kalo nulis. Btw, aku suka karakter penulisan mbak, ada ciri khas-nya :). Menanti kisah petualangan mbak selanjutnya…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: The writer’s blog tour: My writing process | Si Koper Biru

    • Hehehe..gawat nih kalo banyak yg muji, kepercayaan diri bisa terbang ke awan.. Phuiihhh..untung ada gravitasi, jadi tetep balik.. Seneng deh kalo tulisanku bisa nambah pengetahuan pembacanya.. Makasih ya, Yang..:-)


  5. Thank you Emmy for continuing the tour I really appreciate it. And it is interesting to read how your writing process is.

    Although you don’t see yourself as a writer but you pen your thoughts and experiences in your own way. And that attracts readers to follow your blog. No matter how long you have been blogging, you are an original blogger. That’s why I tagged you.

    Thank you again and keep writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehehe..makasih, Non.. Aku kagum sama kamu karena kamu tuh satu dari sedikit orang yg nge-blog sejak zaman dahulu kala (ketahuan deh ngintip..hehehe), dan kagum juga sama keterbukaan (baca: blak-blakan) kamu yg kamu tuangkan di tulisan, itu langkah yg berani loh. Makanya penasaran, proses kamu bikin tulisan tuh gimana sih.. Gitu loh, neng..


  6. “a tribute to the people before me who invented this amazing culture called…LANGUAGE” Damn!! You rock!!! I love your statement for I adore language as (probably) much as you do 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehehe..😄 makasih, Mar.. Iya baru sejak juli lalu.. Ngerti blog tuh apaan juga baru tahun ini koq..😬 Kalo soal medsos aku emang gak seheboh kebanyakan orang.. (Padahal emang kurang gaul aja..😝)


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